Friday, November 17, 2023
7–9 pm
Entrance from 6.30 pm
7 pm
Welcome speech
Andreas Hoffmann
Opening Remarks
Angela Dorn
Hosted by
Heinz Bude
7.15–9 pm
Module 1: German Conflicts of Interpretation?
With Nicole Deitelhoff and Meron Mendel
To kick things off, the art event documenta fifteen will be explored as a test case for changes in the political culture of the Federal Republic of Germany. What is non-negotiable and in what respects are negotiations necessary?
Saturday, November 18, 2023
10–4 pm
Entrance from 9.30 am
10–11.30 am
Module 2: documenta as an Exhibition and Media Event
With Armin Nassehi and Klaus Holz
Next, we will look at the interferences between personal experience at documenta fifteen and the media coverage of documenta fifteen. What tensions, conflicts, and divisions have emerged in its reception?
12–1.30 pm
Module 3: Israel and Global Unease
With Natan Sznaider and Thomas Macho
Drawing to a close, the unspoken implications of this debate are then addressed. In reactions to the critique of documenta fifteen, a distinction between a legitimate and an illegitimate "critique of Israel" was made. What unease is associated with the name Israel, and by whom?
1.30–2.30 pm
Lunch Break
2.30–4 pm
Module 4: Art and its Contaminations
With Maria Neumann and Yael Kupferberg
Last but not least, the trail of contaminations is addressed within the history of the documenta exhibitions. Here, historical analysis collides with personal confrontations with the issue. What fears and what anxieties have the various documenta exhibitions generated in whom?
Streaminglinks on Friday, November 17, 2023
Streaminglinks on Saturday, November 18, 2023
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